Assan Alüminyum
Our Company Policies
Company Film
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Brand Values
Codes of Conduct
Kibar Holding
Our Sustainability Commitment
Producing the Future Without Wasting It
Assan Alüminyum Sustainability Strategy
Our Decarbonization Roadmap
Aluminium Stewardship Initiative
Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Integrated Recycling Facility
Lıfe Safety and Environment
Strong Corporate Governance
Corporate Social Responsibility
Kibar Holding Sustainability Approach
Aluminium in All Aspects
Sustainability Reports
Green Finance Framework
We Are Equal
Industrial Applications
Energy & Technical
Consumer Durables
R & D
Human Resources
Human Resources Practices
Career at Assan Alüminyum
Our Human Resources Policy
News from Us
News from the Media
Tuzla Facilities/HQ
Dilovası Facilities
Kibar Americas
Communication Form
Social Media
Ethics Committee
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Lıfe Safety and Environment
Life Safety
Our Sustainability Commitment
Producing the Future Without Wasting It
Assan Alüminyum Sustainability Strategy
Our Decarbonization Roadmap
Aluminium Stewardship Initiative
Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Integrated Recycling Facility
Lıfe Safety and Environment
Life Safety
Strong Corporate Governance
Corporate Social Responsibility
Biodiversity Preservation Project
Art in the Factory Project
Kibar Volunteers
Reforestation Projects
Gender Equality Projects
Kibar Holding Sustainability Approach
Aluminium in All Aspects
Sustainability Reports
Green Finance Framework
We Are Equal
Life Safety
Life Safety
As Assan Alüminyum, our aim in the field of Environment and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is to inherit a clean environment to the future and to fulfill our responsibilities for creating a healthy, safe workplace.
By applying the "LIFE SAFETY" approach in OHS, we aim to create a work safety culture that not only works at the workplace and is used by our own employees, but also applies to the social lives of our employees, making them healthier and safer.
The main objectives of the OHS Strategy are; to be healthy in the workplace, to create and spread a risk prevention culture with the participation of all actors.
With this approach, the differences between all workplaces are evaluated, in order to fully prevent accidents and occupational diseases by managing the potential factors that may cause them.
For this purpose, we aim to reduce environmental impacts in all processes from raw material procurement to product delivery, to create healthy and safe working environments and to disseminate this culture to all of our stakeholders.
Our main focus in these processes is to reduce natural resource consumption, to promote recycling, to minimize waste generation and to prevent occupational accidents and diseases.
As Assan Alüminyum we honor international contracts, standards and initiatives for environmental management, the UN Global Compact being one of the most significant one; and abide by all legal environmental legislations.
To reduce the impacts of climate change, we adopt the "clean production & sustainable environment" approach with energy-savings projects, recycling activities and the use of raw materials with high recycled content.
Occupational Health & Safety and Environment Policy