ASI is the first and foremost sustainability certification standard for the aluminium valuechain, allowing companies to create value for their stakeholders and assisting them to determine areas of improvement. ASI certification is an effective tool to determine high performance companies with respect to sustainability and to allow companies to improve themselves with a wholesome approach.
ASI evaluates and audits sustainability performance standard criteria with the following 11 principles, under 3 main headings of environment, social and governance:

As one of the core values of Assan Alüminyum is sustainability, it is of critical importance that all processes are shaped based on ASI principles, which cover the global aluminium industry and to create a sustainable ecosystem along with our business partners. As Assan Alüminyum, we have been entitled to receive the ASI Performance Standard Certificate for both of our production facilities and our recycling facility, certifying that our processes are in accordance with global sustainability principles. We suppor ASI principles. We strive to improve our sustainability performance to fit ASI standards on a wide variety of issues such as our environmental impact, supply chain management and commitment to human rights.
We have a strong structure in corporate governance, as this is one of the 3 main pillars of sustainability. Assan Alüminyum is one of the first companies in its industry to be certified in ISO 31000 Risk Management System and ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System. We have been entitled to receive many corporate management systems, which go above and beyond the expectations, in order to strengthen our corporate structure. For more information on ASI, please visit the following website: https://aluminium-stewardship.org/